MN Crop Condition Decreases, Increases Seen in Iowa Last Week, According to the USDA

The USDA’s National Agricultural Statistic Service released the crop progress report for Minnesota and Iowa for the week ending July 7th.  Heavy rain and saturated soils continue to restrict access to fields throughout much of the region.  Some livestock losses were reported due to flash flooding.

In Minnesota, corn silking was 4%, 2 days behind the 5 year average and 59% of corn was rated good to excellent, compared to 62% last week.  Iowa corn was 17% silking, 4 days ahead of average and 76% of corn was rated good to excellent, compared to 73% last week.

Soybeans in Minnesota are 32% blooming, with 2% setting pods.  Sixty percent of beans were rated good to excellent, 2% less than last week.    In Iowa, soybeans were 32% blooming, with 5% setting pods and 76% of Iowa beans were rated good to excellent, improving by 4% from  last week.