B.E. Council Approves Boundary Changes to Ward 1 and City Official Compensation Changes

The Blue Earth City Council passed two ordinances on Monday.  The first was for the compensation of city officials that will go into effect in 2025.  The Mayor’s compensation rate will be $7,200 per year and Councilmembers’ compensation rate will be $6,000 per year.

The Council then passed an ordinance to adjust and change the Ward 1 boundaries due to the annexation of Riverside Heights into the city.

Ward 1 will now be the portion of the City of Blue Earth, lying West of the centerline of Main Street from the North Boundary of County Road 44, extending West to the West Corporate Boundary of the city to the centerline of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway mainline to Gorman Street; West of the centerline of Gorman Street to Eighth Street, North of the centerline of Eighth Street to Holland Street, East of the centerline of Holland Street to Seventh Street, North of the centerline of Seventh Street to the West Corporate Boundary.

The ordinance will become effective on September 16th.