2023 Blue Earth Deer Control Program Yields Highest Harvest So Far

The 2023 Blue Earth Deer Control Program saw a total of 22 applicants with 20 selected hunters.  Areas near the Sewer Plant and North Main Street and Leland Parkway reported the most deer totals.

Tharen Haugh, Archery Hunt Coordinator, reported that the 2023 season resulted in the highest harvest total thus far with 23 total deer harvested.  The hunters remained extremely dedicated to spending time in their locations.  Thanks to the weather, they put in 755 hours worth of hunting, a significant time increase in time compared to other years.

Another highlight for the 2023 season was that the first buck was harvested by Marisa Lehman of Winnebago.  The hunt also continues to be a family affair as numerous hunters have been involving their children in the hunt.  Regulations allow children to participate as spectators but still has been providing the kids with an excellent experience.  The locations provided in the hunt and being within city limits provide safe and easily accessible areas.

A decision will be made later this year as to if there is a need for a deer control program in Blue Earth in 2024.