B.E. Council Discusses Incident at the Humane Society and Riverside Heights Annexation at Monday’s Meeting

The Blue Earth City Council held their regular meeting Monday night and added a discussion about the Faribault County Humane Society to the agenda.  The discussion centered around a serious incident which occurred at the Humane Society on November 17th, resulting in seven injure to the organization’s president, Debby Johnson.

The dog who perpetrated the attack was euthanized the same day.

The incident did not involve a dog in the City of Blue Earth’s custody.  However, the city contracts with the Humane Society to hold its impounded animals.  Because of the incident, the city will now hold impounded animals elsewhere for the next two week, pending further discussion.  The Council will further discuss its contract with the Humane Society at its next meeting on Monday, December 4th.

The Council also held a 6pm work session to update the public on the proposed annexation of the Township of Blue Earth City, which Riverside Heights is located in, into the city of Blue Earth.

City Attorney David Frundt said the city has filed a petition for annexation and a hearing is scheduled for December 6th.

City Engineer Wes Brown said the city is in the process of securing funds for proposed improvements to Riverside Heights infrastructure and an application for a Point Source Implementation Grant was submitted in July, but the state has been delayed in announcing projects which are eligible to receive funding.

If the project’s schedule holds, construction is expected to begin in the spring of 2025.