Application Period for Reimbursement of Equipment to Advance Soil Health to Close Friday

Farmers can apply to get reimbursement for equipment to advance soil health.

Applications can be made through the Faribault County Soil and Water Conservation District.  It is one of the first and only programs to reimburse for purchasing new and used equipment or parts to retrofit existing equipment that will advance soil health through methods such as reduced tillage and cover crops.

Awards will range from $500 to $50,000.  The state provided $2.3 million for the program.

The application period closes Friday, September 15th and grants will be announced January 1st.

The grants are for reimbursement only and expenses must not occur before the grant contract start date.  Eligible applicants include owners and lessees of farmland in Minnesota as well as local government units.

To apply or for more information, contact SWCD at 507-526-2388.