BEA Board Gets Up to Speed on K-7 Building, Will Send Surveys About Building to Residents in the Coming Weeks

The Blue Earth Area School Board held a lengthy work session Monday night and got the full board up to speed on all the meetings that have taken place over the summer regarding the facilities at Blue Earth Area.

With the aging K-7 building, Superintendent Mandy Fletcher says things are kind of at a crossroads and the district needs to figure out what direction they want to go.  Fletcher adds that the district has had some input over the summer from a mix of people in all five of the communities that makes up the district.

Fletcher says that the next step is taking the options to the community with a survey being sent to all of the households in the district.  The survey will outline the need for the projects, the uses of the projects to get the classrooms modernized, as well as a history of the building.

Blue Earth Area District residents should expect the survey in the mail within the next week and a half to two weeks.  Anyone with questions regarding the survey can contact the Blue Earth Area School.