State Representative Bjorn Olson applauded the $300 million in nursing home funding that passed late in the 2023 legislative session.
Olson said inflation and increased operating costs, pay challenges with wages rising faster than what had been budgeted and a workforce shortage have caused many nursing homes to operate at less than full capacity and in some cases, close.
A $300 million nursing home funding package passed the House unanimously last session. Over half of the funds, $173 million, went to direct payments to nursing homes, including many in our area.
St. Luke’s Lutheran Care Center, Blue Earth received just over $482,000,
Lakeview Methodist, Fairmont received just over $514,000,
Living Medows at Luther, Madelia, $385,661,
Mapleton Community Home, Mapleton, just under $466,000,
And Truman Senior Living, Truman received $345,495.