Crops in Minnesota and Iowa Are Ahead of Average According to the USDA

On Monday, the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistic Service released the crop progress report for Minnesota and Iowa for the week ending July 16th.

In Minnesota, corn silking reached 44%, 8 days ahead of last year and 2 days ahead of the 5 year average.  The dough stage reached 5%.  Corn condition was rated 60% good to excellent.

Iowa’s corn silking hit 49% this week, 4 days ahead of last year and 2 days ahead of normal.  Corn in the dough stage reached 8%, 8 days ahead of last year and 6 days ahead of the 5 year average.  Corn condition improved to 64% good to excellent.

Minnesota’s soybeans were 66% blooming, 1 week ahead of last year and 4 days ahead of the 5 year average.  Soybeans reached 27% setting pods.  Soybean condition was 63% good to excellent.

In Iowa, 68% of soybeans were blooming, 1 week ahead of last year and 5 days ahead of the average.  Soybeans setting pods reached 17%, 3 days ahead of last year and equal to the five year average.  Soybean condition rose to 58% good to excellent.