Winnebago Council Sets Public Hearing for Cleveland Ave West Project

The Winnebago City Council met Tuesday for it’s regular council meeting and wasted no time getting to business, as a series of necessary adjustments and approvals were to be made.

The council received an update and proposed action on an upcoming street project, where they received and approved the Feasibility Report for the Cleveland Ave West Street Project.  A public hearing will be held February 14th, at 7pm, at City Hall regarding the improvement and assessment for the abutting property for all or a portion of cost for the improvement.

The Council also moved to approve engineering services for Bolton & Menk to work with Greenfield Global on the city potentially providing water out to the plant.  They currently use wells for water.

In an update to the Winnebago Police Department’s staffing and policy, the council accepted the resignation of Full Time Officer Jacob Pettit and Part Time Officer Ben Johnson.  The hiring of a new Full Time Officer Michael Sharp, with contingencies, was also announced with the hope that he will be able to start his port in June.  The City council also agreed to delete the Police Officer Response Time requirement in the Personnel Policy.