B.E. Council Schedules 2023 Street Project Hearing and Approve Chicken Ordinance

At the Blue Earth City Council meeting on Monday, the council formally received a feasibility report from Bolton & Menk and scheduled a public hearing for proposed 2023 street improvement projects.

The proposed improvements concern sections of Moore, Galbraith, Ramsey, First and Third Streets, a total of 15 blocks.

Following the proposed improvements, the area north of Fifth Street, apart from Rice Street, will have been entirely rehabilitated.

Bolten & Menk estimates the recommended improvements will cost around $4.5 million.

The council voted unanimously to pass the resolution, formally receiving Bolton & Menk’s report and calling for a public hearing on December 5th.

The council also voted on two ordinances.

After several months of back and forth, the council approved the ordinance related to the keeping of urban chickens on a 5-2 vote, with council members Russ Erichsrud and Ann Hanna in opposition.

The ordinance will redefine chickens as separate from other farm animals and allow Blue Earth residents to keep chickens within city limits if they follow the proper permitting process.

The council also approved the sale of city owned property to G&S Drainage and Excavation for the amount of $3,000.