Favorable Weather in MN and Widespread Rainfall in Iowa Helps Crops Progress

Minnesota had 5.4 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending August 21st, according to the USDA, as weather across most of the state was mostly favorable.

Topsoil moisture supplies were rated 4% very short, 18% short, 73% adequate and 5% surplus.

Corn dough reached 63%, 6 days behind the 5 year average.  Corn dented reached 12%.  Corn condition rated 67% good to excellent.

Soybeans setting pods reached 88%, 8 days behind average.  Soybeans coloring reached 6%.  Soybean condition was rated 67% good to excellent.

In Iowa, widespread rain across the state resulted in 5.2 days suitable for fieldwork last week.

Topsoil moisture condition was rated 18% very short, 30% short, 50% adequate and 2% surplus.  Thanks to widespread rain during the week, less than half of the topsoil is considered short to very short, compared to 53% a week ago.

Corn silking or beyond was at 97%, with 84% of the corn crop in the dough stage or beyond, 5 days behind last year but 2 days ahead of the 5 year average.  Thirty percent of Iowa’s corn crop has reached the dent stage, 5 days behind last year and 1 day behind average.  Some of the corn crop has started to mature at 1%.  Corn condition remained 66% good to excellent.

Soybean blooming reached 97%m, with 88 % of soybeans setting pods, 8 days behind last year and 2 days behind the 5 year average.  Two percent of the soybeans were turning color.  Iowa’s soybean condition was 62% good to excellent.