USDA Says Weekend Rains Provided Some Relief to MN & Iowa Crops

Weekend rain for southern Minnesota and much of Iowa provided some relief to dry fields according to the USDA.

For the week end August 7th, Minnesota had 5.7 days suitable for field work.

Topsoil moisture supplies were rated 9% very short, 19% short, 63% adequate and 9% surplus.

Corn silking reached 90%, 5 days behind the 5 year average, with corn reaching the dough stage at 26%.  Corn was rated 62% good to excellent.

Soybeans blooming or beyond reached 91%, also 5 days behind average.  Soybeans setting pods reached 60%.  Soybeans were rated 63% good to excellent.

In Iowa, there were 6.1 days suitable for fieldwork last week, according to the USDA.

Topsoil moisture condition was rated 20% very short, 30% short, 48% adequate and 2% surplus.

Corn silking or beyond was at 93%, 5 days behind last year and 3 days behind the 5 year average.  Corn at the dough stage or beyond was at 53%, 2 days behind last year but 1 day ahead of average and 5% of Iowa’s corn crop has reached the dent stage, 6 days behind last year and 1 day behind average.  Corn condition fell to 73% good to excellent.

Soybeans blooming reached 89%, 9 days behind last year and 3 days behind average and 69% of the soybean crop was setting pods, 1 week behind last year and 1 day behind the 5 year average.  Iowa’s soybean condition declined to 71% good to excellent.