B.E. Council Discusses Bonds at Monday Nights Meeting

The Blue Earth City Council met Monday night for their first meeting for April.  Jessica Green was on hand from Northland Securities to present the bonding summary for the electric revenue bonds.  Green reported that the bonds were priced last Thursday and resulted in $4.25 million.

The Matthew Baartz property was discussed again.  After additional investigation into the conditions of the property, the council was advised that 2 more issues had been identified and that Law Enforcement has been having difficulty serving the property owner.  The Council approved a new abatement of the property to include refuse and a trailer parked on the lot, in addition to the original issue of the non-compliant structure.  Attempts will again be made to serve Mr. Baartz, with an April 30th deadline to remedy the issues.

The next Blue Earth City Council meeting and work session is set for April 18th at 4:15 for the work session and 5pm for the Council Meeting.