More Candidate File to Fill Jim Hagedorn’s Congressional Seat

Sarah Brakebill-Hacke, of Eyota, is running as a democrat in the growing field of candidates hoping to complete late Congressman Jim Hagedorn’s term.  Roger Ungemach of Fridley is the 6th Republican to file a candidacy with the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Office.  A 7th Republican, State Rep. Jeremy Munson of Lake Crystal, has announced a campaign but has yet to officially file.

The other democratic candidate to file Wednesday in the 1st District was George Kalberer, who has not set up a campaign website or a fundraising committee with the FEC, something that is legally required for any candidate who intends to raise and spend $5,000 or more on a federal campaign.

With multiple democrat and republican candidates running for the 1st District, a special primary election will be held on May 24th to determine which candidate will represent each party in the August 9th special election.