A Blue Earth man confessed to “having a sexual relationship” with a girl when she was 13 and 14 years old, a criminal complaint says, resulting in 19 felony charges filed against him. Nineteen year old Isaiah Fred Richard Anderson, was charged Friday in Faribault County District Court.
The complaint states Anderson called the Blue Earth Police Department on February 2nd to confess. Anderson later told an officer he started a “relationship” with the girl when she was 13 in 2020 and continued it past her 14th birthday.
Anderson admitted to sexual contact and intercourse with her multiple times, according to the complaint. He also reportedly asked the girl to send him explicit photos and a video, which he indicated were on his phone.
During an interview between the officer, the girl and her mother on February 3rd, the girl confirmed she was in a sexual relationship with Anderson from August 2020 intermittently through the end of January 2022. She described sexual conduct starting in February 2021, when she was 13 and continuing into May, before a break over summer 2021. The sexual conduct reportedly resumed in September 2021.
The complaint alleges at least 19 instances of criminal sexual conduct. At least four of his charges stem form when she was 13 years old, while 15 charges stem from when she was 14.