Rep. Olson Says MN House Will be Dealing With Budget Surplus Formost as Legislative Session Begins

The 2022 Legislative Session has begun and State Representative Bjorn Olson, of Elmore, said the Minnesota House of Representatives will be tackling a number of issues in the weeks ahead.

“The top priority for this legislature will be dealing with our projected budget surplus,” Olson said.  “With nearly $8 billion sitting undesignated at this time, we should be looking at numerous ways to provide Minnesotans with more tax relief.”

Olson said a capital investment proposal that funds needed construction projects across the state will also be debated.  The proposal will borrow money at low interest rates to fund construction projects across Minnesota.

Public safety improvements will also be a topic of discussion, as Olson said the Minnesota House Democrat majority did little to address the issue last session, despite dramatically increasing crime rates in the Metro Area.

“There will likely be many other topics debated at the Capitol over the next four months and I strongly encourage residents to share their thoughts with me on any legislative issue,” Olson Said.

Rep. Olson can be reached by phone at 651-296-3240 or by email at [email protected].