The Winnebago City Council approved a new contract agreement with the City’s Police Union for the coming year during their regular meeting earlier this week. A similar agreement was also approved by the Council involving the city’s Public Works Department and Library Staff Members for wages and health insurance coverage for the coming year as well.
A variance request was approved by the Council on behalf of Jonathan Melendez allowing for a new fence to be installed in his front yard, located along the edge of town.
The Council was also brought up to date on the Northwest Project. It was noted that sidewalks in the area have been completed and the project is in the process of being closed out at this time.
A request was approved on behalf of Abby Butler to conduct a “5K Turkey Trot” event in the community.
The Council also approved a new contract for Angie Stier as Community Economic Development Authority Specialist.
Council Members also accepted, with regret, the resignation of Peggy Nelson as Library Assistant at the Muir Public Library.