An extensive courthouse dome and clock tower renovation project at the Martin County Courthouse in Fairmont is nearing final completion.
After nearly three years, work on the courthouse dome and clock tower is finally wrapping up.
Last week, the County celebrated the moment with a presentation by Minneapolis Horologist Rory Demesy, who repaired and refurbished the tower’s rare Seth Thomas Clock, whose four faced dial graces the copper dome nearly 100 feet above the ground.
Martin County leaders committed approximately $2.8 million toward the courthouse dome and clock tower renovation project. Over the next year, workers will install a new roof on the main courthouse structure at an additional cost of about $1.4 million.
The Martin County Clock is listed as being about one of 8,000 tower clocks in the nation.
The County Maintenance Staff has been trained to operate the clock, which is self winding, according to Demesy.