Crops Conditions in MN and Iowa See Slight Improvements Last Week

According to the USDA, Minnesota farmers saw 5.7 days rated suitable for fieldwork last week.


Corn silking reached 16%, one day behind last year, but two days ahead of average.  Corn condition  increased to 42% good to excellent, compared to last week’s 41%.


Soybeans blooming reached 60%, one week ahead of average.  Soybean condition improved to 45% good to excellent, compared to the previous week’s 44%.


Statewide, topsoil moisture supplies were rated 27% very short, 49% short, 24% adequate and 0% surplus.


In Iowa, much needed rainfall limited farmers to 4.2 days suitable for fieldwork last week, the USDA says.


There were scattered reports of crops lying flat due to strong winds and hail.


Corn silking or beyond reached 21%, two days behind the five year average.  There were scattered reports of corn reaching the dough stage.  Iowa’s corn condition improved slightly to 66% good to excellent.


Soybeans blooming reached 56%, five days ahead of average.  Soybean condition was rated 65% good to excellent.


Topsoil moisture levels statewide were rated 9% very short, 31% short, 56% adequate and 4% surplus.