MN Farmers See Scattered Precipitation and 6.2 Days Suitable for Fieldwork for the Week Ending July 4th

Minnesota farmers were able to take advantage of 6.2 days suitable for fieldwork last week.


With reports of scattered precipitation during the week ending July 4th, farmers saw an improvement in some crop conditions, while other conditions remained unchanged or declined according to the USDA’s weekly report.


Corn silking reached 5%, two days ahead of last year and 3 days ahead of average.  Corn condition declined to 41% good to excellent, compared to the previous week’s 43%.


Soybeans blooming reached 38%, equal to last year and one week ahead of average.  Soybean condition declined to 44% good to excellent, compared to the previous week’s 45%.


Statewide topsoil moisture supplies were rated 28% very short, 50% short, 21% adequate and 1% surplus.