The Blue Earth City Council is looking to acquire an area of property within the community, in which a memorial would be built honoring veterans. At Monday night’s meeting, the Council discusses purchasing the Greenfield Property, which may say would be ideal for the memorial project. However, the property’s ownership by a multi-state trust, has created a delicate situation for potential buyers hoping to make an estimate. Mayor Rick Scholtes noted the issue was still very much worth looking into, even though things remain somewhat complicated.
Hanna Haggarty discussed the feasibility of implementing an equity and inclusion project within the community of Blue Earth, as a means of making it more welcoming and open to people from different ethnic backgrounds.
The Council authorized Piper Sandler Corporation of Minneapolis to over see the issuance of $6.3 million in general obligation bonds for local street improvement projects.
A $1,000 grant application was approved by the Council from Center Point Corporation for the purchase of new equipment for the Blue Earth Fire Department.
A library promotion was approved on behalf of Brooke Spear, elevating her status from Librarian, afterschool Teacher Assistant and Photographer to Library Technician, effective immediately.