MN Legislative Leaders Reach An Agreement with Gov. Walz on Targets for the Next 2 Year Budget

The two top leaders of the Minnesota Legislature have reached an agreement with Democratic Gov. Tim Walz on broad targets for the state’s next two year budget.


Gov. Walz said; “I’m proud that the agreement we reached makes historic investments in education while providing tax cuts for Minnesotans across the state.  This demonstrates that, despite a divided legislature, Minnesotans are united by our shared values.  We look out for our neighbors, we want everyone to have an opportunity to succeed and we all do better when we all do better.”


Republican Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka and Democratic House Speaker Melissa Hortman said, they expect to nail down final details and announce them later today.


They also said they expect police accountability measure will be part of the final package, but didn’t give any details.


Among the items listed in the framework of the agreement are funding for education and a plan to increase the budget reserve level from about $1.6 billion to about $2.3 billion.  However, there will be a Special Session to complete the final work.