B.E. Council Approves Levy and Budget for 2021

Monday night, the Blue Earth City Council approved the levy and budget for 2021.


The total budget was just over $4.5 million, with a levy of just over $1.7 million.  The levy increase 3% over this year’s levy.


As part of the budget process, the Council also approved the transfer of $50,000 from the liquor store fund to the general fund to help offset bond payments in the Wastewater Treatment Plant and approved a transfer of $250,000 from the general fund to 5 different debt service funds.  The transfers are based on a recommendation from the City Auditor and in accord with the 2020 budget.


Council members also approved the General Engineering Contract with Bolten and Menk for 2021, approved a variance for the APX apartment project at 14th and Moore Streets and reviewed the Liquor Store Sales report.  According to the report, sales in November totaled just over $152,000 and was $12,000 higher than last November.